Read our latest newsletter here:
The Lukas Community
Every successful individual knows that his or
her achievement depends on a community of
persons working together. Rudolf Steiner
This past year, The Lukas Community has celebrated many wonderful changes, all while supporting
our residents to realize their full potential and pursue their dreams. We are a community that remains true
to our core values of respect and dignity for each human being. As we move through the seasons, I am more
thankful for the love, dedication and commitment our residents have to each other and to all of us. It is for
them we are together; and with them our lives are fuller and richer.
But we cannot meet the challenges of the future without your help. To those who have contributed
in the past, your support has made a positive difference to the health and well being of The Lukas
Community, and all who live and work here. Your donations not only support our heartfelt work serving the
adults with developmental challenges in our care, but are also investments in everyone who touches Lukas
and have their lives changed forever. We hope that you will continue your support this year. To those of
you who have yet to offer your help, please join our circle of support by making a contribution today.
Thank you in advance for joining with us in making the Lukas Community a special place for special
people. Your tax-exempt gift will be used solely for their benefit.
Enjoy the photos and musings on these pages; and I invite you to visit The Lukas Community to
experience our day to day celebrations.
Kristen Stanton, Executive Director
Fall 2018
The Lukas world is a little slower and
more predictable. It’s full of kind
people who have time – well – who
make time for John. At Lukas, John is
accepted as he is, and he is at peace.
When we talk about our brother, we
find ourselves telling people that he
is in the perfect environment.
Rather than asking him to change to
fit to the world we live in, it’s
Lukas who has changed the world
just a little for John.
Sarah and Becket, sisters of John
The Lukas Community Page 2
The care for our
residents, which is the
center of our work, is
deeply rewarding, as
each of them brings such
a wide range of beautiful
qualities, challenges and
gifts to our community.
To learn to work as a
team with the other nine
highly gifted, deeply
caring and dedicated
coworkers and leaders is
an honor and a great joy.
Mathias, houseparent at
Echo Farm
Daniel has grown and thrived at Lukas. This is his
home, and he is always looking forward to
When you visit one of the residences, you are
struck immediately by the “family” feeling that the
residents share. House parents, volunteers and
residents forge strong bonds and their affection
and concern for one another is abundantly evident,
as is the sense of comradery throughout the
Herb and Arleen, parents of Dan
Wool is an amazing substance.
Uniquely warm, water-repellent,
and even anti-bacterial. When
formed by human labor into fabric it
creates a protective layer that
nurtures and sustains us, as it has
done for millennia.
As we work with wool in the
weavery at The Lukas Community,
transforming it into garments and
objects both useful and beautiful, I
think of these qualities and to me
they provide a picture of how a
group of individuals can be
transformed into a community.
Single strands of wool are thin and
easily broken; when spun into yarn
or worked into felt, tiny scales of
their surface enable them to lock
together into a web that is
impressively strong, yet still flexible
and malleable. Different fibers
contribute their own character to
the whole, beautifully
complementing and
completing each other. Our
weaving is symbolic to the
philosophy of Lukas, and portrays
how our residents, co-workers
and volunteers mesh together.
How appropriate it is, then, that
wool is the one material in our
weavery that we can experience
from its very beginnings, from
growing it on the sheep that graze
our meadows, through shearing,
sorting, washing, picking, carding,
spinning and finally weaving it
into the final products that we are
so proud to display. So if anyone
wonders why we still work with
such old-fashioned substances
and tools, I invite them to come
into our weavery and learn from
the residents. To have joy in
one’s work and do it in the service
of others, is the secret of life. The
products we create belong to all
of us, and we gladly share them
with the world.
Lory Widmer Hess, The Lukas
Weaving Together at The Lukas Community
Page 3
The Lukas Community is a wonderful place for Rima. Happiness is a
task with a reachable goal when you find the right place and the right
I think my daughter Rima has found both. The co-workers are kind,
they understand Rima and they constantly encourage her in doing
and completing the many activities offered there. This is helped Rima
to develop and mature into a stronger person.
Joseph, father of Rima
Phone: 603-878-4796
I plan to work in a social profession in the future, and I
wanted to gain practical experience before beginning
my studies. The reason why I am came here is simple
to explain, but the experience that I have every day is
indescribable. There are challenges that ask for
solutions, but people can find these solutions
together. That fascinates me a lot. Here at Lukas we
share each other’s needs and special qualities. This
community is very warm and lovely, and I think that
there is no one who wouldn’t feel well here.
I experienced a wholeness of life.
Myriam (former volunteer)
Volunteers come to Lukas to provide a year of community service. Our striving is for them to receive, in
return, life lessons that will stay with them for a lifetime.
Online donations can be made by going to our
and then click on the online donation site of your
choice. Donor advised funds, appreciated stock,
ongoing gifts and Legacy gifts are also appreciated.
Donations can be made by
sending a check to:
The Lukas Community
PO Box 137
Temple, NH 03084
A special thank you to the Lukas Board of Trustees:
Lloyd “Butch” Walker (President) James Potter Herb Zuckerman
John Kieley (Treasurer) Becket McNab Kristen Stanton (Vice President)
Arleen Zuckerman (secretary) Lincoln Geiger